
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Early Winters of Tennessee a childhood memory

 My Grandmother always had a name for each cold spell as we eased into Spring and Summer here in Tennessee. Here is a list of the Winters we have early year in Tennessee. Let's keep the tradition alive. Here is a list of Tennessee Winters with descriptions: Locust Winter – Some connect this little winter to when leaves start to appear on locust trees in early April, and others to when the trees bloom in May. Redbud Winter – Mid-March to early April, when the redbud trees bloom. Dogwood Winter – Mid- to late April, when the dogwood trees bloom. Often a heavy frost falls in dogwood winter. Blackberry Winter – Early to mid-May, when blackberries are in full bloom. In the Tennessee mountains, this often coincides with the last frost of spring, which can kill new plantings on the farm. Whippoorwill Winter –Mid- to late May, when the whippoorwills can first be heard in the twilight of evenings and before dawn. Cotton Britches Winter – Late May or early June, when the linsey-woolsey